too confusing

tadi aku les bahasa inggris, terus tiba-tiba ada ujian tulis, wow aku menggalaw hebatt, dan dari situ aku belajar cara pemakaian was were, pokoknya past tense. lhaa, skarang aku nyoba bikin puisi, tapi aku nggak tau ini bener atau salah.
Yang jelas, ini puisi pertamaku yang pake bahasa inggris ^^

too confusing?

still remember about the first time we met?
and you said that i'm beautiful
then, you brought me to a new world,
a new world that i'd never met before
i tried to believe you
and when i was believing you, you were gone
did i cry?

yesterday, you felt broken heart
you shared all of your story to me
you said that 'she is really special in your life. and you can't life without her'
did you know what i feel? i feel broken, same like you

and now, you say that you just want to think about me
actually i'm happy, but i doubt
'is that really from your heart?'
i don't know, love was too confusing

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