Man Jadda Wa Jadda

Assalamualaikum readers :)
I've done my campaign, and you know that, I felt something different. Nervous? Absolutely. You know that I have to campaign in front of more than 600 people. And alhamdulillaah I have best partner. Both of them are my best pol! I really really proud of them. They help me, always! Uuuh They are really sweet, aren't they? :D
I explained about our vision and missions, Bima explained about us, we never lie, we'll do the best for OSIS, and Bastilaga told about our jargon, KERJA KERJA KERJA! We got much applause, and I was speechless at that time, subhanallaah! And after that moment, when I walked around in my school, everyone always said, "Kerja kerja kerja" Subhanallaah, O:)
Tomorrow? WOW! It's time to pemilu! If i'll be a leader in OSIS, My team and I will make OSIS better, looking for the best students and they have skills to realize our vision and mission. Man Jadda Wa Jadda, Bismillaah :)

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