unforgettable :)

assalamualaikum :) aku ditegur nih, sama guru buleku di EF, gara2nya aku ngomong pake bahasa Indonesia dijam les, terus aku disuruh banyak2in pake bahasa inggris, ga cuma waktu les, tapi juga pas ngetik SMS, ngomong sama temen, termasuk juga kegiatanku sekarang, nulis blog juga disuruh pake inggris. oke, aku bakalan nyoba, tapi maaf ya kalo tensesku masih semrawut, namanya juga pemula hahahhaa :D dear readers, I'd like to tell you about my story, last week :) I took my EF report, and alhamdulillaah I got 91 and i passed the class ;) And the next day, Friday, 22nd of June 2012, I took my school report. my friends and I made a promise, the person, who get 1st rank, have to treat all of students in my class. I agree, and I felt enjoy, because I though that person absolutely not me, and I would never treat them :) and you know what? I got 1st rank!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! alhamdulillaah! finally I can be a winner in my class, subhanallaah! all of my friends gave me standing applause in front of my class. and they screamed, OJOK LALI TRAKTIRANE REK! - don't forget about the treat! hahaha :D I promised them, "okay, I'll treat you, when we arrive malang, I promise." at malang we arrived malang on Monday, 25th of June 2012 at 11am. we visited coban rondo waterfall first, and took many pictures. after that, we went to our Vila and took a rest until the next day. I treat them in Vila, I treated meat balls, everyone got 5000. they felt happy at that time, and absolutely it makes me felt happy too :) we ate together, beautiful! after pray maghrib, we sang many songs. mungkinkah, tentang kita, kita untuk selamanya, tinggal kenangan, etc. that was a wonderful night! I'll never forget it! after that, we played rebutan kursi. izzati was lose, and she got a punishment, she had to nyepiki - pleaded addin! addin is the person who she love. izzati: addin, kamu tau nggak buah apa yang paling manis? addin: apa? izzati: buah hati kita nanti! addin: so sweet ya ampuun! it was really sweet! everyone laughed and they screamed, ciyeeeee! hihihihi :D the next day, at 3am, we had an agenda, we share all of the story and beautiful memory in this year, absolutely about x6, about our matrix. we visited Jatim park 1. we played some gorgeous games, but it made us dizzy -- after that, we took a rest in food court, and pray duhur. and we went to the market, I bought a delicious yoghurt there, just 6000 rupiah. after that, we visited bakpo tell and buy some bakpo and pia. actually I don't really like the taste, but my mom asked me to bought it for her. and then, we pray maghrib at masjid ceng ho.it was my second time visited there, so I knew the route, and I didn't feel confuse, I am the tour guide at that time ;)

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